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Friday, May 6, 2011

Dekat or Jauh

wow!!!agk lme gak xpos entry baru.....nothing 2 say coz i enjoy too much in my life.....who knows this is my last post...hahahaha.....hah!!!only Allah knows better than us.....
ok let straight to the point....wah...speaking lak....ok, berbalik pd tajuk entry ni...dkat or jauh....bukn jarak actually tp perasaan kte......kdg kte rse org 2 jauh dr kte tp dkat d haty.....tp yg satu mslh ag, die mmg appear all the time right in front of our eyes and life, tp terlalu jauh rse kat aty....cmne?????pe pndapat korg???
ok, msing2 ade judgement or opinion sndiri....pd aku jwpn korg mmg xsalah as long as korg rasa ia btol....agpon aku pon xtau jawapan korg..hehehe.....
ntah la....sukar mentafsir sesuatu walau ia depan mata kita kerna mata kita banyak ditipu oleh helah yang tersembunyi.........

*sukar meluahkan ape yg terpendam......walau seseorang tu  nmpak happy je memanjang.....tp dalam aty dia, kita pon xtahu........
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