If you find urself in luv with someone, n that someone does not luv u...be gentle 2 urself, there is nothing wrong with u...but luv just did not choose to rest in that someone's heart......
if u find someone in luv with u and u can't answer that luv...feel honoured that luv has come by and called on your door..but gently refuse the feeling you cant return, as luv did not choose to settle in ur heart.....
if u find urself in luv with someone and the luv return...it still can happen that luv chooses 2 leave....do not try 2 reclaim it and do not assess any blame....just let it go...
Despite the pain, there is a reason and meaning 2 dis....u cannot choose luv by urself.....but.....LUV CHOOSE URSELF!!!!!
= WARNA HATI MEEN ZULAIKHA: secerah mentari segemilang pelangi begitulah hangatnya hati kita yang bertaut........
best gak novel ni....carilah........